May 3rd, 2006
Alan Watt on
"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru



Jackie Patru: So, here’s Alan Watt with us folks.  I was sharing the spiritual message.  "Can you thank me for trusting you with this experience, even if I never tell you why."  That’s from James 1, verse 2-4.  And I told our listeners that I share these that are meaningful for me.  Maybe it’s for me that I do it.  But, you know, it’s like this wrist of mine.  And I’m not a Buddhist.  However, I am, to me when something happens, there is a reason.  We don’t always know what it is.  And sometimes we find out and sometimes we don’t.  Know what I mean?


Alan Watt: Well, the message there is, stop practicing karate. 


Jackie: This wasn’t karate, as you well know.


Alan: Yeah.


Jackie: My precious little Molly swept me off my feet.


Alan: That was it.


Jackie: Well, anyway, thank you for being here with us this evening.  And folks, thank you for being here.  I’m glad that you are.  Alan, we were talking last night, and I said, uh-oh, we better quit this, because we’re doing a broadcast right now.  Because you were talking about things, and of course, as usual, I have my dozens of questions.  And what we were talking about, you’ve been on a lot of different radio broadcasts now, and from what I understand, you’ve been pretty much zeroing in on the secret societies, specifically Freemasonry, but all the Secret Societies.  And we got talking about that, and we talked about bringing it up tonight as relevant.


Alan: Yeah, it’s quite interesting to see how politics has gone in the last fifty years or so, where they’re always talking about divisions between government and religion.  And how that’s been pushed to the forefront.  Then, when you look at this division to keep them separate, you find that you have people belonging to a thousand organizations, which are simply other branches of Freemasonry under many names.  And Albert Pike tells you right there in his own book, the Pope of Freemasonry, Freemasonry is a religion.  And you’ll find pretty well all your government officials, right down to the local level, and the people on the school boards, and even the people who count your votes, are members of these organizations.  And we seem to take it for granted and never inquire, how come?  Who are these organizations?  Who’s behind them?  Who connects them all together?  Where do they get their instructions for?  Because they do all belong to the same head at the top in this pyramid fashion.


Jackie: You know what?  There’s some of the initiations.  You know their different levels.  It’s very Talmudic, Alan. 


Alan: Oh, it’s pre-Talmudic. 


Jackie: Well, okay, maybe the Talmud is a takeoff on another religion.


Alan: In fact, you see, Albert Pike himself stated that they could have used, rather than use the Old Testament, they could have used the knowledge of Nimrod and based all their foundations on that.  Because, the Old Testament is simply a tool they used when they updated Freemasonry around the 1700s.  So, he said himself, we could have used Nimrod and based it on Nimrod and the legends of Nimrod.


Jackie: Was Nimrod from Babylon? 


Alan: Well, that area, but it’s thousands and thousands of years ago.  You know.


Jackie: Well, are you saying then that Talmudism didn’t begin whenever they say that it did?


Alan: Oh, I’m pretty certain it didn’t.


Jackie: In other words, well, first, we’ve got the first five books of the Old Testament, which they refer to as the Torah, although from some of their websites, they say that the entire Old Testament is.  Mostly, I understand that the first five books of the Old Testament is the Torah, and then the Talmud is based in gnashing at (unintelligible) so to speak from there.


Alan: Well, no.  Not really.  There’s two Talmuds.  There’s a Babylonian Talmud and then there’s a later Jewish one that was a sort of an updated version that continued on from there.  And it’s nothing to do really with the Old Testament.  You see, all religions, and I don’t care whose religion it is, even if you’re Buddhist, are run by the same people at the top.


Jackie: I know that.  The reason I said that, because when Nicole was working, she said, she asked me one day, what is a Buddhist?  And I said, well, I don’t know that much about Buddhism.  She said, people at work keep telling me I’m a Buddhist because if something happened Nicole would say, well, there’s a reason for this.  And that’s why I said that, Alan.


Alan: Yeah, because I just looked recently at some famous guru who’s coming to New York, who’s a Buddhist.  And he had a big ad in a magazine.  And the temple in New York that he’s coming to has a whole bunch of kneeling mats laid out in the form of the chessboard.  There’s your Masonic floor.  And then, just near the altar at the front, there’s another.  The actual tile itself is a Masonic tessellated floor.  And then the logo they have there is the tetrahedron, the double tetrahedron.  The ‘as above, so below’.  The diamond shape.  And it’s in blue, different segments.  And in the middle, that’s the blue lodge, you see, and in the middle they’ve got a white and another one, a gold number six, which is also the letter G for the usual stuff, Geometry, God, up to Gold, and Graft.  And it also stands, if you look further back from it, you’ve got a hidden swastika in there, which is pretty typical.  So, these societies are all run by the same people at the top. 


Jackie: You know, Alan, a lot of these symbols, they are so ancient. 


Alan: Oh, yeah.


Jackie: It doesn’t mean the symbols themselves are evil.


Alan: All these symbols are symbols of the same ancient society behind all societies.  They’ve used them for at least many thousands of years.


Jackie: And I have a sense that there is within their "religion", there is also truth.


Alan: Oh, yeah.  There’s a lot of truth and it’s based on the law of nature.  And they always tell us that, so it’s their right to dominate the lesser.  And that basically is the system that we live in.  It’s all centered around that very thing.  We’re taught at school to run fast in races, and to get the best marks, and you know, you go on in life as the ones below you get the dreary jobs.  In fact, job comes from Job in the Bible.  You get a job at the bottom level.  And of course, if you play with the sun, and you’ve got up higher, you get a salary, you see. 


Jackie: Say that again.


Alan: If you go higher and you get a salary.


Jackie: What does that have to do with salary?


Alan: Well, salary is sal.  It’s a play.  So, the lower guys get the job.  And that’s from the Bible and Job of course was cursed and cursed and cursed and the old story was that God gave him boils and everything, and plagued him, and even sent Satan down, because at that time Satan worked for God, you’ll notice.  And made the life of Job a misery. 


Jackie: Are we talking Job, the one?


Alan: Job is job.  That’s where job comes from.  That’s where a job comes from.  And if you’re at the bottom of the totem pole, because you can’t compete, or whatever, then you get a job.  You know. 


Jackie: You know something, though.  A job, I mean, because of the monetary system, there are people who have jobs, and who take pride in their work.  And they do their work well.  Unknowing of all the stuff we’re talking about.  I was thinking, when I was in high school taking typing.  You know how certain things, something somebody says, or something you read, and it just sticks with you forever.  And it says that there is no job that is too menial.  In other words, if we had a job as a janitor, and we did a damn good job, and took pride in it, and looked at it, and felt complete with what we were doing.  That’s beyond them.


Alan: It’s beyond them.


Jackie: The integrity and the honor and all of that within the individual, there’s nothing that can take that away from a person.  No one can give it away.


Alan: But the point I’m making is though, that the system that we live in is based on the law of nature, which is not really a humane law.  It’s an occultic religion that runs this whole thing.  And from school onwards you keep competing, competing, competing.  Even in racing, you know.  I mean, I used to win all the things at sports from javelin to running and sprinting and all the rest of it.  And I can remember one time, I had won everything that there was to win.  And they said, you’ve got one last race, you know, and all the rest of it.  And I said, well, I don’t want to run.  You know.  He says, Why?  I says, I don’t need to.  And he sort of looked stunned.  This was the teacher, you know.


Jackie: In other words, you weren’t interested in "taking all the prizes".


Alan: Well, yeah.  I mean, I thought, well why are people cheering you on because you’re born with a particular type of muscle that makes you faster and a bit stronger than other people.  In other words, you didn’t work for it.  You just were born like that.  And yet, our whole system from that, from competing even in sports and education through everything in life, is actually going towards the creation of the Great Work, as they call it, which is the New Man.  The New Man to come.


Jackie: What is one to do, Alan?


Alan: You have to understand what it’s all about to start with.  Now, you take the...


Jackie: Sports in school in other words?


Alan: Well, don’t think it’s so necessary for you to, you know, be faster, stronger.  You see this faster.


Jackie: In other words, don’t feel like a failure, because you’re not on top of the heap.


Alan: Yeah, absolutely.


Jackie: Like the person who does their very best, that’s the greatest thing you can do.


Alan: Well, and it’s supposed to be a fun thing, but it’s not.  It’s taken seriously.  Because, really, it is serious.  It’s a training for everybody in the world.  The whole world has been standardized into the same system.  And you’ll find that they’re going towards a new type of creation.  And you’ll see it primarily in sports, because they’re all taking steroids, even in the Olympics.  And we know that they’re turning a blind eye now, because they’re getting the public to accept it, that through engineering, re-engineering...


Jackie: They look like men.


Alan: Yeah.  Through re-engineering we shall create a new type of creature.  Well, you take the whole New Age Philosophy that they’re pushing out there right now, that something wonderful is going to happen, because we’re in a New Age, and there will be a new type of human, and all this kind of stuff.  It’s all tied in together, because it’s a religion driving the whole system.


Jackie: Here we all are, Alan.  Here we all are in it. 


Alan: And most people don’t know.  They don’t know it’s a system.


Jackie: Yeah, I know that.


Alan: And it’s like Lenin.  I mean Lenin who was really trained by the best, the best bankers on the planet, stated that the public must never realize that human kind can go off in a thousand different directions.  They must think that the system that they’re born into simply evolved and is the natural one to be in.  And that’s why people never question the system.  They think it’s all evolved this way naturally.  They don’t realize that it’s being guided very carefully with a lot of planning to where we are and where we’re going.


Jackie: When I was married to Nick Patru, well, I worked.  I mean, I worked before I met him.  I worked after we were married, but finally I said, I’m done.  I want to stay home and be with my children, and just be a mom and a wife.  Of course, we wound up divorced.  But we went to marriage counseling, and this guy sat there, his name was Zacher by the way.  And he saw us separately, because it just wasn’t working out us being together.  But he said, I think your husband is upset because you’re not working.  I said, well, I think it’s important for him to know he can do it without me.  And then he looked at me and said, I don’t understand you, a woman with your intelligence, why aren’t you out there competing in the business world.  I said, Dr. Zacher, I don’t have anything to prove. I don’t have anything to prove to anybody else or myself.  I just want to be a mom and a wife.  But that’s what he was leading me to.  I see what you’re saying.  And women, women who were moms and wives began to feel inferior.  One of our neighbors said, we used to walk in the morning, and that’s what she was.  And she saw her son off to school in the morning, she got his breakfast, she packed her husband’s lunch when he went to work, and she was complaining.  And I wanted so much not to be in the workplace.  I wanted so, I would have loved to have been in her place.  And I said, Sandy, don’t let them do this to you.  What you’re doing is the most important thing in the world that you can do, is to raise your boy, be there when he leaves for school.  Be there when he comes home.  And nurture your husband.  I mean, women need nurturing too.  I’m not saying, being you know, some little slave or something, but I heard her feeling inadequate Alan, because all she was was a wife and a mother.


Alan: And that’s been pushed so strongly through movies and magazines, and then they create a peer pressure.  Because they said many, many years ago, they had to destroy the family unit, in order for the state to be supreme over every individual. 


Jackie: Then she went to work part time, and then it became full time, and they wound up divorced. 


Alan: That’s pretty typical.


Jackie: She wound up, you know, meeting somebody else, and the grass was greener, and it was yeah.


Alan: So, it’s a system, and back in even the 1800s they were starting that trend.  And it all came from the top, authorized by chartered agencies in England to begin that push towards the dissolution of the family.  I don’t think people realize that in the late 1800s, they were actually pushing what they called free love.  And some of the biggest authors of the day were pushing that.  All connected with Sir Thomas, Professor Huxley in London.  He taught at some of the biggest schools, including, I think, Eton.  And he recruited certain authors to write under him.  And they were pushing, including H.G. Wells, he was one of his students.  And he ended up pushing free love as early as the 1800s, late 1800s, and that was intended to, as I say, destroy the family.  Because they knew that the earlier they could get children acting out sexually, the less chance there was of them for mating up for life.  So, that was the plan, because the state cannot be supreme as long as there is any semblance of the family unit.  It has to be totally dominant over every individual.  The family, in fact, is the smallest type of remnant of a tribe, and they tend to stand up for each other.


Jackie: So, here we are, all of us, in this system.  And I don’t know, maybe there’s a way to be in this world, but not of this world.


Alan: Well, I think people at least have to start a ripple.  You see, we’re up against something that’s thousands of years old in the continuous ongoing planning stages.


Jackie: Maybe it’s more than thousands.


Alan: Very possibly.  It could be millions for all we know.  And I think personally it is.


Jackie: I think it’s almost been from the get-go, Alan.


Alan: Well, as I say, from what they give us as the birth of civilization, and that’s their term for their system.  So, it’s a ripple.  It’s been on the go so long, that you start off a snowball with a small flake, which you start rolling, and that’s what you’re up against.  And people have to stop using traditional tools to try and figure out what’s happening here.  There’s no point complaining about politics.  You don’t, that’s just the show.  That’s the middle man, the political politician.  You have to start to demand, since you are putting people, even in local levels in positions of power over you, and you are going to pay them to do it, then you must demand to know what organizations that they have sworn allegiance to, and what oaths they’ve taken.


Jackie: You know the most upsetting thing about that today, I’m sorry to say, even here in Tioga County, it’s a huge area.  I was talking to a guy the other day, and he said Tioga County, the square, you know miles, is actually bigger than the state of Maine.  We have about 40,000 people here.  They’ve got electronic voting machines now, Alan.  Well, we’re not putting anybody in office any more, but at least, what you’re talking about is those that are running for office, that they should be questioned.


Alan: Well, those who are already in office.  I mean, let’s be honest.  We know it’s a con.  But they’re supposed to be public servants.  They’re taking money from the public, and they’re supposed to serve the public, and so therefore, their lives should be an open book when it comes to the organizations which they have sworn allegiance to and sworn oaths to.  And people who are adults take these oaths tremendously seriously.  And these oaths override any later oaths they take to the public.  In these organizations loosely called Freemasonry.  And, as I say, they’ve got a thousand different names.  The thousand faces of Isis.  Isis being the church.  That’s the symbol.  That’s the esoteric meaning behind Isis.  And the body of Osiris that was scattered are the members of the Masonic people who joined them.


Jackie: When you talk about Isis, I think of Isis, Ra, and El, Israel. 


Alan: That’s not what I’m saying Jackie.  What I’m saying is it’s, and El is not a Jewish god by the way.  It was a Semitic god, because there was many Semitic gods because there was many Semitic peoples, but it wasn’t a Jewish one.  It didn’t come in until much later.  The Al version is the Arabic version.  That’s why you have Allah.  And it doesn’t mean what most folk think it means.  It’s a hermaphroditic term.  It’s a religious term, which is a whole different thing from standard religions.  It’s the religion behind the religions.  And as I say, as Isis is not a person and never was a person, neither was Osiris.


Jackie: In other words, Talmudism is just a cover too, the same as Christianity, it’s a cover.


Alan: Everything which is authorized is a tool.  It’s a tool.  Every religion which has been authorized is a tool towards an end, which the followers don’t understand.


Jackie: Towards what?


Alan: Which the followers don’t understand.


Jackie: You said towards something.  Towards.


Alan: It’s the Great Work, you know, they call it.


Jackie: Oh, you said an end.  Towards an end. 


Alan: So, you have all these different people, in all the religions, which, let’s be honest, all authorized religions, number one is to create a type of order in a society, to make the society obedient to those who rule that particular society.  And that goes for every, every major religion.  And even the New Age, even though it doesn’t think, it’s meant, it’s been taught that it’s free and it’s easy and it’s open.  It’s nothing of the kind.  Because the New Age really started the roll off with the French Revolution.  Actually with the American Revolution, then the French.  They started bringing out all the symbols then of the real guys behind the show.  And then, right up to the present day, the Wiccanism and all the rest of it, with their simple three degrees at the bottom, it’s all from the same Masonry that runs the whole show.


Jackie: I’ve got a book here on Freemasonry.  I don’t remember who wrote it.  I’d been looking for it.  It’s on my shelf someplace.  Because what I noticed, at least, by this particular author.  There were so many break offs, and so many different, there’s like you said, every single secret society is part of the same thing.


Alan: Same thing.  Same head, yeah.


Jackie: But, when I got towards the end of the book, it got into New Age, and I remember making a note, a bracket, and said, they invented New Age religion.  Because you could see it, the way this thing was written. 


Alan: It was boasted about in the main publication of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Journal back in the 50s.  The name of the Journal was called The New Age.  And they boasted about bringing in the New Age of Aquarius, with all of the old stuff, you know, the horoscopes, and the tarot cards, and all the symbology and so on.  Which again is to make a form of predestination.  When you convince whole peoples, just like religion has done. Christianity did a great job on the public in the same way.  When you can convince lots and lots of people there’s nothing they can do, because it’s all preordained, then they sit back and let things happen.  That’s the purpose of.


Jackie: You know, I had an astrological chart done one time.  I think I was, well, we’re going to have to take a break here in about 60 seconds.  But I want to mention this, because this is the confusion for me, Alan.  The woman that did the chart didn’t know me from Adam.


Alan: Yeah, I know these stories.  I know exactly what you’re going to say.  I know what you’re going to say, yeah.


Jackie: Okay, you tell me when we’re back from the break what I’m going to say.  Now, one of the things this person said is that this isn’t to be used to run your life by. It shows you what, well, we’re running out of seconds here.  So, when we come back, you tell me what I was going to say, okay.  Well, folks, we do have to talk about though, Alan, what we talked about last night, because I think it’s important.  We’ll be back, folks.


(Commercial Break)


Jackie: Okay, Alan, tell me what I was going to say. 


Alan: They generate your charts with many years ahead and all the rest of it, and they’ll give you a basic guideline as to the things you could aspire to.  And then they’ll tell you, it’s not the way you necessarily have to go, etc, etc, etc.


Jackie: No.  This was what was called a natal chart.  It wasn’t a progression.  I was about thirty years old.  And when I met her, somebody said, she’s an astrologer.  And I said, oh, I’ve always been interested in that, or curious, would you do a chart on me.  The woman knew me, she didn’t know me.  But when she came back and was explaining this natal astrological chart, Alan, she said things that I am, that I was, without knowing me at all, based on this astrological chart.  And one of the things she said, this was interesting to me, because, I have what they call stage fright.  I went to a fairly small high school, and I knew everybody, almost everybody there.  Actually, at that time it was from seventh grade up to the twelfth.  And every time I had to get up in front of the class, I took speech class, I got the jitters, I got the butterflies, I had stage fright.  And yet, I was in the lead in the play, I played sports, but standing up and talking to a group of people made my stomach literally flip.  Every single one of them in this small class, I knew them.  Well, she said, I see you talking to large groups of people.  And as soon as she even said it, my stomach started to flip, because when she said it, you know, I think in pictures, I saw myself standing in a podium in front of a group of a bunch of people.  I said, I don’t think so, Sheila.  She said, it has nothing to do with what you’re doing now.  And I thought about that later, I was on the air for ten years, Alan. And shortwave for most of that ten years, talking to large groups of people.  She also told me that I felt like a misfit.  And I always felt like a misfit, Alan.  And she said, but it isn’t you, it’s them.  I said, oh, in other words, I’m not crazy, the rest of the world is.  She said, in a sense, you could say that.  And she told me so many things, based on the astrological chart, that nobody could have said to me, that hit me more deeply.  She didn’t tell me how I was going to live my life.  And she also told me that I was here to serve, to serve humanity.  Well, that’s about all I’ve been doing all my life when you think about it, Alan.  I mean, I was.


Alan: Yeah, I know, but there are true believers, and there are ones who are not. 


Jackie: There’s what?


Alan: There’s true believers really, that’s the bottom line.


Jackie: I don’t know what you mean by that. 


Alan: There’s people who are true believers in it, and there are the ones who are not.  You know.  There are those who are true believers.  You know.


Jackie: What are you saying though?  I’m a true believer?


Alan: It seems to be, yeah.


Jackie: Well, was that coincidence?  Was this woman? 


Alan: I can’t say without knowing it all or seeing it all.  But personally, the stars, let’s be honest.  Who drew up all those patterns in the sky, because they look nothing like what they’re supposed to look like, you know.


Jackie: You know, in the Old Testament, it says, not to go to, what does it say?


Alan: Astrologers and...


Jackie: Yeah, right.  Well, is that a possibility that, I mean these creatures that are in control have been ruling and running their plans by this as a...


Alan: Well, they use it as a time clock more than anything, but they also use it as parts.


Jackie: What do they know that we don’t know, Alan?


Alan: Well, they know the course of the stars.  And by that, I mean, the time.  The ancient ones used to con all the people into creating darkness by knowing when eclipses would happen.  They’ve been studying the stars probably for millions of years.


Jackie: I know, but that’s different than what we’re talking about.


Alan: Not really, in a sense, when you understand what astronomy is as opposed to astrology.  And as I say, when you understand all of the meanings of the characters that they give you in astrology, there’s an esoteric meaning behind them.  And in fact, if you understand the esoteric meaning behind them, then you understand the plan.


Jackie: Well, this is a confusion for me.  Because I know that we’ve been told so many lies.  And I know that so much truth has been hidden from us.  And I know that much of the truth is hidden amongst the lies.  And I think, we need to be careful and discerning.  I’m not a "New Ager" all though maybe you think I am.  I don’t know about the New Age movement.  I don’t know about it.  But I know that people have said that I was New Age, you know.  I like Steven Halpern’s music, beautiful, well not anymore.  It used to be.  But, I’m not New Age.  Whatever their term of the New Age is, but there are ancient truths, Alan, that have been kept from us.  And there is a lot more to this physical world than their plan. 


Alan: Yeah.  But what I’m saying is, I’m trying to deal on with what we can deal with.  You see, as opposed to that.  I think if you can deal or start dealing with what’s here, now, the rest of it falls into place.


Jackie: Okay.  How do we deal with it?


Alan: As I say, we have to start to demand and to expose those, this system, what’s behind this system, and this religion that’s behind the system.  The policemen and soldiers and everything get, I don’t know if you realize that most of them get Masonic burials, you know.  And they’re also your public servants.  You’re paying them. 


Jackie: Yeah.  It’s a little boys club, isn’t it?


Alan: It’s not just little boys.  Girls, there’s little girls’ ones too.  So, I don’t know if there’s anything in between.  I wouldn’t be surprised.  But they certainly do have many, many branches and organizations, all over the world, in every country.  When the British troops went into India, in the 1700s, they had traveling lodges with them, Masonic lodges, and they were astounded to find that every little village in India also had one.  They thought they didn’t know they had them there.  This was already worldwide.  There was a very good movie put out with Michael Cain, and who was it that did the James Bond movies, the older fellow, Sean Connery.  And it was called The Man Who would be King.  And many Masons got upset with it.  It was written by Rudyard Kipling in fact, who was a Mason.  And the movie showed two travelers going through the north, north of India, to find this priesthood who dealt with the square and the compass.  And they used some of the Masonic terms there that Masons use amongst themselves.  And the Masons were furious when they made a movie out of it.  So, people should get it.  It’s worth the see.


Jackie: And you know, another one we were talking about last night.


Alan: Oh, From Hell


Jackie: From Hell.  Well, I did see the movie.  Remember I told you.  But I didn’t catch it the way that you explained it.  Would you explain it to our listeners?


Alan: Well, it’s based on a true story of Jack the Ripper.  But it’s also, it also uses what are now the declassified documents from Scotland Yard, the main police for London.  And they kept it secret for a hundred years that it was Sir John Gaul, who was the physician to Queen Victoria, who was the ripper.  They knew who it was, because he was going out and killing these women, because they knew that one of the prostitutes had given birth to a son, and actually had been married, secretly, a Catholic prostitute.  And he was sent out to kill them.  And he did it with Masonic rituals. 


Jackie: Every one that knew her.


Alan: And everywhere they left the bodies was a Masonic name, the Miter Square and so on.  And he tried to blame the Jews by writing it on the wall, but he used the Masonic writing of Jews which was J-U-W-E-S.  He said, "The Juwes will not be blamed for nothing."  Well, that’s a little Masonic coding in there. 


Jackie: What does that mean?


Alan: I could go on for about an hour about what it means.  But the thing is, the point is, in that movie, you will see part of a Masonic ritual with the, and these were the upper, upper elite of London, the Sirs and the Lords in this particular temple.  And they reconstruct it.  And you’ll see how the candidate eventually gets risen up, when he’s seeking the light as they call it, and they’re wearing their Masonic regalia.  This actually happened, you know.  So, it’s worth seeing that one.


Jackie: It’s worth me seeing it again, because I’ll see it in a whole different light now.


Alan: So they can keep that secret for a hundred years, because all the guys in Scotland Yard were Masons. 


Jackie: And this was the surgeon, wasn’t it?


Alan: He was the top surgeon.  And he surgically removed organs.  And each woman had the penal sign committed to her.  Because, when you take an oath in Masonry, you also take an oath to whatever.  Plus, you also take, you’re shown your signs and passwords for every degree, but you’re also shown a penal sign, which you must use. 


Jackie: What’s a penal sign?


Alan: That’s for penalty.  For breaking the oath.  So, you know, you cut them across the neck.  And sometimes the other one is to rip their stomach and their chest, and throw their entrails over their shoulder.  Well, this guy actually did it to these women.  This was a purely Masonic...


Jackie: To let those brothers know that it was Masonic murder.


Alan: That’s right.  And that was kept secret by the whole establishment, because all of the establishment at the top are Masons.  And that’s the power of Freemasonry.


Jackie: So, what did, I’m sorry, you piqued my interest and my curiosity.  “The Juwes will not be blamed for nothing.”  What did that mean?


Alan: It’s double negatives contained in the whole thing.  And if you looked at, it’s the three unworthy craftsmen, that’s what they mean.  There’s the three unworthy craftsmen, and the myth that killed Hiram Abiff.  That’s what they claim.  And it’s not a true, see, this is the problem when you explain things.  Most people think of people as soon as you mention names, and they’re not people.  Just like the old Egyptian gods weren’t people either.  So, when you say, Hiram Abiff, you say, well, that’s a person.  You picture it in your mind.  You picture him getting murdered with these apprentices, who didn’t know the upper passwords to get higher pay, and killed him.


Jackie: And really, it’s all symbolic. 


Alan: It’s all high, highly symbolic.  Because the three unworthy craftsmen, Jubelo, Jubelum, and some other one.  But basically, it’s really the death to the Knights Templars was so they had to put them down as the unworthy craftsmen, which is the Church, the State, and the Mob, the people.  That’s what they stand for really.  The Church, the State, and the Mob.  Because these particular high Masons control all of it.  And that’s what it really means.  So, the three blows that were given to Hiram, and they go through these rituals in degrees, these supposed blows, is all to do really, with their dominance.  And actually eventually destruction, of what was the Old Church, the Catholic Church, and then the State, the old Royal State, except for Britain, because they were given refuge there.  And the Mob, the general population.  Each one is despised by the very high degrees. 


Jackie: With the Mob.  If we so declare ourselves, maybe.


Alan: But this is where it gets down to the individual, because, you see, rather than believe in anything being ordained, the individual must grab the power that they’re born with, and they must create their destiny, rather than saying, well, it’s all laid out for you.  That’s the difference.  When you understand that you can grab that life force within you, and I don’t care what you think your connection is with whatever deity you follow.


Jackie: Or maybe not grab it, connect with, Alan?


Alan: Well, you can grab it, you can grab it, because it’s your right.  You know.  You’re born here, and you have, you have it there if you want to find it, you’ll find it, and you take it and you run with it, because you must create a destiny, instead of leaving it to others to do it for you.  If you leave it to others, then you are a slave, and you’ve never lived, and that was always the esoteric meaning of let the dead bury their dead in the New Testament.  It was used long before them, that same saying.  And people who go through their whole life, never knowing, that’s what they say in High Masonry.  It’s as though they were dead, because truly, they leave nothing behind them.  They altered nothing.  And there’s so much each individual can do, if they just take that power back, and stop being slaves to those who know how to control them.


Jackie: And I know I split hairs with words, but I’m thinking about this spring, after Chuck passed over, looking out the window, and it had been raining forever, and the grass was so that you could never mow it, and wet.  And I was just saying, father, please give me strength, and give me courage to do this.  And suddenly Alan, and that’s why I’m saying, connecting with maybe, not grabbing it, but maybe we’re saying the same thing.  It suddenly occurred to me that everything I need is within me.  And I have the strength, I have the courage.  And then I started to think, thank you, thank you for giving me the strength and the courage to go on, and please help me to find it, and to hold onto it.  That was my asking.  And that was my thought about, well, you said, grab, didn’t you.  And I said, please, let me find it and hold on to it.  Because I knew it was there.  But I didn’t know, you know, when I was asking for it.  We’re asking for something that we already have. 


Alan: Usually we are.  And it’s insecurity.  It’s fear of the system.  See, this world lives on fear of poverty, loneliness, ill health/sickness, all of these things.  This system exploits us all on it, in fact.  A person who’s successful, and called successful in this system is one who’s battled their way to the top over everybody else.  And this is called, it’s civilization?  It’s the cruelest system you could possibly have.  It’s anti-human.


Jackie: When I owned my business this insurance man came in to see me, and he wanted to lay out a plan for me, you know, so I could invest, leave a whole bunch of money to my children.  And, when you’re doing well, because I was doing well financially, at that time, you could, if you allowed it to, you could allow it to control your, you know, your thoughts, and get you anxious.  What am I going to do to "preserve it".  And while we were talking, I said, Roy, you know what, I’m not here, and what I’m doing, you know, in my life’s work here, is not to leave my children a lot of money.  I hope and I pray that what I leave them with, is the strength, and the inner knowing, to know that they’re self-sufficient, in other words.  You know, are you following my?  That’s what occurred to me at that time.  The most important thing that we can leave our children is the values, and the honor, the respect, the compassion, all that is real in this world, Alan.


Alan: Yeah, I know.  I know, it’s getting connected again, you see.  We’re being disconnected, on purpose, over many years in a carefully laid out agenda to separate everyone else from everyone else.  And that’s divide/conquer down to the lowest common denominator, until there is nothing to stand beside you, and there’s nothing that opposes you, except the top.  That’s all done deliberately.  And it was discussed by the big boys in their own books, many years ago.


Jackie: So, okay, so, because we’re running out of our hour, when we were talking last night, and you were saying, I asked you how the last broadcast you were on, and what you were saying is that we alluded to it earlier, that these people who are in public places, public positions of power, that people have to ask them and demand that they give them information on any secret societies.


Alan: Well, societies with secrets. In fact, all societies, because you have to.


Jackie: Anything they took a nose to.


Alan: Yeah, because you’re giving them power to make rules and laws over you.


Jackie: And when you said that to me, the first thought I had, was, well, what good is that going to do.  And that’s what I asked you.  I mean, do we really expect, because I remember you saying this one time, a long time ago, go to their meetings and speak up to ask them, you know, what.


Alan: If enough people do that, if nothing else happens, you’ll start a ripple effect.  These people have never been questioned on the proper things.


Jackie: Well, right. You see, that’s what you said last night, that they sent to me.  Because, when you said that a long time ago, I thought, yeah, right.  We’re going to ask a public official, are you a member of the Freemasons, or etc, and they’re going to be honest with us.  And what you explained last night, that I thought it was so important that you expanded upon is whether they answer or not, ask.


Alan: Because you’ve got to start.  Because people have to stop being on the defensive.  We’ve got to stop it, you see.  And it’s their right to demand, since you’re giving them a job, and you’re also going to pay them to make laws that will affect you.


Jackie: What is Pat Buchanan?  He’s a Knight of Malta, of the sovereign military order of Malta.  And I know this for a fact.  And he has taken an oath to the Church, the Catholic Church.


Alan: Well, it doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter, because it’s the same.  I don’t care what they think at the bottom, the gangs at the top all belong to the same capstone.  They think they’re on different sides at the bottom, but, yeah, that’s the con game.


Jackie: Yeah, the Catholic Church.  It doesn’t.  What about this, the Lodges, the Moose Lodge, are these all lower extremities?


Alan: Well, a lot of those lodges, the side lodges, are guys who are Masons, and that’s their basically fun place.  So they have their main lodge to go to as well.  I’ll be doing a further expose in an upcoming video.  And people should check the website into  And check out this one that went up today, this video.  It’s called "Peeping Through the Clouds". 


Jackie: And that was the one you did outside?


Alan: Yeah, there’s some wind interference there. 


Jackie: You cut some of the wind out of it?


Alan: It’s less long-winded.  But it’s the best we could do.


Jackie: Your dry humor cracks me up. 


Alan: Well, at least I tell the people at the bottom, it’s free, so don’t complain.  You know. 


Jackie: Alright, well, for our listeners.  Give your website again, and about your books.  We’ve got about four minutes left, so you do that.


Alan: Well, the three books are on the site.  There’s also an MP3, the CD.


Jackie: Cutting Through the Matrix.


Alan: Yeah,  There’s also a good article, and the books are Cutting Through 1, 2, and 3 in a series.  And I’ll be doing more of them.  And there’s also a good connection tonight on that website there, of recently, there’s an inquiry going on now in Britain, because they were spraying Cadmium over Norwich, the city of Norwich, back in the 60s, and now they’re saying it causes lots of esophageal and lung cancer.  So that’s up on.  And that’s from the BBC.