August 8th 2005
Alan Watt on
"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru



Jackie Patru: Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for being with us tonight on Sweet Liberty.  It is Monday.  It is the 8th of August in the year 2005.  Hope you had a nice weekend, and I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad to be back with you.  I’m going to begin here tonight with our spiritual message.  This is from "Writings by the Essential Alan Watts", that’s W-A-T-T-S, and this is a short one.  It’s on faith.  He says, "Faith is a state of openness, or trust.  To have faith is like when you trust yourself to the water.  You don’t grab hold of the water when you swim, because if you do, you’ll become stiff and tight, and you’ll sink.  You have to relax.  And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging and holding on.  In other words a person who’s a fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the Universe, becomes the person who has no faith at all.  Instead they’re holding tight.  But the attitude of faith is to let go and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be."  Whatever it might turn out to be, folks.  I like that.  And Alan Watt, the essential Alan Watt is with us tonight.  Not Alan Watts.  Alan, thanks for being here. 


Alan Watt: It’s a pleasure, yeah.


Jackie: You know this Alan Watts?


Alan: Yeah.


Jackie: You do?


Alan: He may be a relative, actually. 


Jackie: Yeah, well, I wondered.


Alan: Yeah, a branch of the family did end up in California in the late 1800s.  And they spawned quite a few Watts.  They added the S to it, because the ones who registered them were used to the English spelling.  Of course, the original one was just W-A-T-T. 


Jackie: Some of his writings are, because somebody emailed me.  I think it was email, shoot, I don’t know, maybe they mailed them to me.  Anyway, I found his writings quite intriguing.  And so, I don’t know if I should say this or not, but I, well, we’re on this subject.  I remember, a long time ago, you said you had a black sheep in your family. 


Alan: Yes, indeed, yeah.


Jackie: It wasn’t him?  Yeah, right?


Alan: No, no.


Jackie: You want to talk about it or no?


Alan: It doesn’t really matter.


Jackie: Okay.  You never did tell me about it either, come to think of it.  Well, Alan.  Thanks for being here tonight.


Alan: Yeah, as I say, it’s a pleasure.


Jackie: We were in such a fascinating conversation last Wednesday, when we ran out of our hour.  And I always so dread when that happens, because sometimes the conversation itself really just takes a turn that you wish you had another hour or two, and we didn’t and it’s really difficult to pick it up, isn’t it.  We were talking actually about, you know, the hermaphrodites and stuff like that.  And then we got talking about man and woman and you were talking about, you know the fact that, in fact maybe you could expand on this a little bit more.  Maybe it doesn’t need expanding upon, but the fact that women have been really targeted to help push through, if you would, the plan for world dominion, because of their emotionalism, and what?


Alan: Well, I always say that on this subject, there’s no one, there’s nothing on the planet been so thoroughly observed nature-wise than man and woman.  And the ancients knew perfectly well the differences of the male and the female natures, and they also knew how to exploit either one of them.


Jackie: Would you repeat that, Alan?


Alan: Yeah, the ancients.  When you read the ancients’ writings on the difference between male and female, they knew both natures perfectly well.  They knew all the natural tribal aspects of both.  Which all our natural survival comes from, really our survival needs and mechanisms, comes from tribalism.  But they also knew the distinct difference between the male and the female, and by knowing the differences they could exploit either one, whenever it suited them.  And every government in what we call civilization, meaning the birth of priesthoods and writing, and money, altogether, you’ll find they’ve always exploited either the male or the female for particular goals, politically.  And what they knew in ancient times was that in tribalism, most of the women lived in the middle of the village, where it was secure....


Jackie: So the men could protect them?


Alan: They didn’t have to worry about enemies or anything, or predators coming through, because the men were on the perimeter.  The men were always off hunting, too.  So, the men took the protective role on.  And that’s what’s claimed, that’s where the reason for women’s ability to communicate much more easily than the male came from.  Because they had a relaxed atmosphere and there was no tension.  They felt secure.  So, the female looks for security above all other things.  And because she needs security, when the Catholic Church came into Europe on the heels of the Normans, the Norman invasion, these strange people who came across, with this system of money, kings and queens, aristocracy, and backed up by a Church, the Catholic Church, as they were destroying the tribal system, they made it mandatory that one man and one woman would mate for life.  And so, a form of breeding program took over, where they kept the genealogies of the workers.


Jackie: It wasn’t like that back in the tribal, in the more ancient?


Alan: No.  There was no external priesthood who came in, or foreign priesthood who came in.  In fact, Tacitus, who was the historian for Nero, he recorded how the people in Britain lived, in the tribes.  And he said that if a male and female did choose to live together, it was not mandatory, but if a male and female did choose to live together, she would come in, or he would come into her place, and live for up to six months.  And if they decided mutually that it wasn’t working, he would then leave, and there was no discrimination from the rest of the tribe, or fallout of any kind.  It was perfectly accepted as a natural way, rather than go through all the nonsense of, you know.  So, that was the way that they lived.


Jackie: That was in those tribes in Britain.


Alan: And throughout Europe, too.


Jackie: Yeah, I suppose there were variations.


Alan: Yeah, as I say, most of the women, and they knew, you see, that sexuality, they called the woman the gateway to the sexual experience, because, really, the power for yes or no, is in the hands of the woman.  She can entice a man over, allow him to know that she’s interested, and just as easily, she can put him off, or just look away.  And so, the women, they weren’t what we would normally today call promiscuous, but they certainly could pick any partner at any time they wanted to.  And the children were brought up communally in the center of the tribe, by all the women.


Jackie: It takes a village.


Alan: That’s right.


Jackie: You know, in a sense, Alan, that stupid book, you know, that allegedly was written by Hillary Clinton, when you think about it, it really is a wonderful opportunity for children to live in a community like that.  You know, when I was married to Nick Patru, and we lived in a Chicago suburb, in Palatine, and it was a real trenchant mix of people, people who had been, a lot of them were in positions in large corporations.  In fact, one family was from England, that got actually transferred over here.  So, most of us were away from our extended family.  And it sort of became that neighborhood, there were probably ten or twelve families, and we did so many fun things together.  We lived at the end of a block that you know wasn’t completely developed, and we’d get a permit, and have a big block party in the summer, and games for the children.  And I can remember when Nicole came up, well, I thought she was missing.  It was evening, just dusk.  And we were all standing out, you know, a few of us standing out talking, and suddenly I looked around.  Nicole was a little girl, and I didn’t see her.  And I ran in the house, and she wasn’t in the house.  And she was playing with the little girl next door, the McIntyres, the people from England, and I ran over there, and they weren’t there.  And I, of course, really got panicked, but I’m going to tell you, that within a matter of five minutes I was getting calls from people three blocks away, saying, okay, we’re out, we’re looking.  And it was just, it was like ants out there.  It turned out kind of humorous, because when I went into our house, evidently they had been over to the McIntyres, and then they walked from there over back to our house, and I missed them both ways.  And, we found them sitting watching television in the family room. But it was so cool that everybody came forth like that.  And when children were some place playing, wherever they were playing, the parents there were keeping their eyes on the children.  And I loved it.  It really was that kind of a feeling, where people cared about others, and about all the children, not just their own.  Something that I thought about.  You said something last week that sparked a thought in my mind, when you mentioned that the men are more survival.  They have a stronger survival instinct, did you say?


Alan: No. 


Jackie: Okay, what did you say?


Alan: In a natural setting, the man’s survival instincts were supreme, because he could sense the coming danger.  He knew how to handle various outside threats, and suchlike.  And of course, when the priesthoods came in with the system they brought with them, backed by military force, and destroyed the tribal system, what they did then, was elevate the king, the queen, the nobility, the priests as well, over the head of the husband, because the women crave security.  And they would promise them peace and security, and all this kind of thing.  And so, the husband, even though it was mandatory that he marry this woman, he was second rate in a sense.  He didn’t have the authority that he used to have.  And we see this in modern times more so, because the television, which is a programmer, that’s why they’re called programs, it programs the public on what to think and the topics, on what they should dwell upon and so on.  It gives you your opinion, really.  They go over the heads of all the husbands and have since the days of Donahue, especially, where they put on all these programs, one hour specials, psychological roller coasters, really, which brought you from a starting point to a finishing conclusion on every topic they introduced, done expertly, with psychologists helping the show.  And women were being downloaded with all this information.  The husbands had no idea.  And this was all to help with the so-called sexual revolution.  And women eventually, once again, they’ve replaced their husband from the position he once held, and they’ve replaced him with guys like Dr. Phil.  So when Dr. Phil says something, it must be true.  And if old Harry, sitting over there, says something, well, who is he.  He’s not on television.  That’s how simply this technique works.  So, the people who manipulate the sides understand this.  Now, when it comes to personal, individual, survival, the woman will outstrip the male.  And all studies have shown this.  That whereas men, if they ever leave a wife, will do it spontaneously, or through an argument or something, whereas the woman will, the guy is the last to know when the woman leaves.  And she’ll have planned it probably at least months ago, every step.  And so, women will always survive in order to simply be happy or to choose the way they want to live, or what they want to do, but it’s methodical, and it’s for themselves personally.  Not necessarily even for children.  It’s for their own personal.


Jackie: How do you know that?  How do you know that, what you’re saying?


Alan: Because it’s in all the modern psychological studies, and sociological studies.


Jackie: Well, wasn’t what’s his name, oh God, that pervert, Kinsey, wasn’t he put up there as a great...


Alan: Leader, yeah.


Jackie: Okay, well.  I guess, okay.  Maybe I’m relating what you’re saying to myself personally.  But, if a woman has children, I mean, for the most part, her first thought is going to be how am I going to be able to take care of myself and the children.  I don’t think that women in general make these plans or these moves with only their selves in mind.


Alan: Well, you’ll find if you read the modern sociological studies, and it’s all for social workers, and it comes from social workers.


Jackie: But how do we know those statistics are real, Alan?


Alan: You can check them.  In fact, you can phone up personal social workers you know and they will tell you that’s exactly what they experience, over and over.


Jackie: The women care more about themselves than they do their children?


Alan: When it comes to the crunch, for their own, what they’ve decided is happiness, they will plan their own exit, as I say, long in advance.  It’s not spontaneous.  And I’m not talking about abuse situations or anything like that, where it is, it might be spontaneous.  I’m talking about personal survival for their own personal happiness, or a change of mind over something, career-wise or whatever.  That is the general trend that’s verified over and over.  So, that is what happens.


Jackie: You know what I’ve noticed.  And this is going back quite a ways, through my past, with friends and I’m talking about even after high school, when my friends began getting married, and we were getting married and wanting to raise families, etc, something that I noticed is that a lot of times, a woman won’t even leave a bad situation unless she has another mate to fall back on.  I’ve seen that happen a lot.


Alan: That’s common as well.  But today, with all the massive money that’s been put into shelters for women, and their children.  And every township even has homes that are kept vacant and are on a rotating schedule as more come in.


Jackie: Yeah, but aren’t those for abused women, for the most part?


Alan: Well, they can claim any kind of abuse, mental abuse, and they don’t even have to hear another side of it.  It’s mandatory now.  But for males out there, there is nothing.  There’s nothing at all.


Jackie: Well, let me tell you what Joseph Biden said.  Boy, Alan, when he said this, this stuck with me.  It was when they were working on the crime bill.  And that would have been probably some time back in ’93 or ’94 or somewhere around there, when I was a C-SPAN junkie.  He was talking about this crime bill.  And he was telling about some of the new laws that were going to be in place.  For example, if a woman was beat by her husband, she didn’t have to report him, but if somebody else reported him, that was a crime against the state.  And the man would be picked up.  And he said, we, with this bill, we are going to empower women like they have never been empowered before.  And they certainly did it, didn’t they, Alan?


Alan: They did it.  And now, it’s customary for lawyers...


Jackie: Like you said, a woman can make an accusation.


Alan: And they’ve found this through many studies, it’s customary for lawyers now to advise all women who come to them to state that their husbands were sexually abusing their children.  That’s now common practice.


Jackie: I was just going to say that.  All a woman has to do is make an accusation, and she could do it out of nothing but spite.  Maybe find out her husband has a lover or something, and she makes an accusation, that man is going to go through hell.


Alan: Yes.  So, yeah, the people at the top use marriage, in fact, they created marriage as we know it, to serve a certain era, for their own ends, not for the people’s ends.  They had to get a certain stock, a hardy stock built up, to go through an industrial era.  And that’s when the frenzy of activity through science began, was in the 1500s.  And nothing much happened from the Norman invasion right up into the 1500s.  And when they knew they had to by the year 2000 have gone through an industrial and a technological era, then that’s when they started the marriage program, big time.  And keeping genealogies, all kept by churches, births, deaths, etc.  And the priests, generally, up until the Protestant Revolution, were the matchmakers.  They decided who married whom.  And when the priest suggested to you that your daughter should marry this guy over there, that wasn’t a suggestion.  That was basically an order.  So, they were mating up people to be hardy stock, to go through the industrial era, which they had to get through, to build up the sciences, which they had to acquire.  They knew where they were going with it all.


Jackie: I wonder if this conversation right now would sound like something out of this world to a new listener.


Alan: If he’s a new listener, he’s going to have to accept that or go further.


Jackie: Yeah, well.  Yes.  I just wanted to say this though, because it just entered my mind, that if you are a new listener, you should not reject out of hand what you’re hearing, because if you are a new listener, you’ve missed hours and hours and hours.  And if you haven’t read Alan’s books, and the confirmation that I’ve received over the years, that well, ha, actually, I don’t know of anything that I have found refuted yet, Alan.  But I do remember, you know, when we first began to do broadcasts together, I don’t know how many times I would say to our listeners, just because Alan says this doesn’t mean it’s so, because I don’t know that it is.  And so, I invited them to listen and consider, but to do their homework.  And that was when finally, you know, we talked about, and you decided it would be very helpful when you wrote that first book, to confirm for people, from ancient or old books and writings and etc.  But, I didn’t disbelieve you, but I didn’t necessarily believe you.  You understand what I’m saying.  And now, as we’re talking, this seems so natural to me, what we’re talking about, and so not matter of fact, but that I know it’s so.  I know that it is so, what the planning.  It’s been a science for a long, long time, hasn’t it, Alan?


Alan: Oh, absolutely.  And it was used in the Middle East thousands of years before the marriage system even, for control purposes, where the king or the state would rule over the public, rather than have a tribe living there independently and all working together.  So, yeah, they displaced the tribe and then they become the substitute leaders, and they have total control over everyone, but they still use tribal techniques.  That’s why they give you national symbols, which is drummed into you that that’s yours, and you will respond to those things as soon as you see them, and national anthems.  These are all tribal things, you see.


Jackie: Like a flag. 


Alan: A flag and brass bands and tunes.  All that kind of thing.  And every country is given their own national anthem.  And they hear that and they cry and all this stuff.  And someone points the way to war, and they all just rush off.  This is just basic tribal conditioning, which is being used.


Jackie: And you know what I find interesting.  The, I think it’s England’s, it’s God Save the Queen, or God Save the King.  That tune is the same exact tune that we sing, America, oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies, I think that’s the one.  Okay.  And then, when I was doing a search on the internet for when we were talking about quite a while ago, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Zeus, Zeus-Pater.  Well, okay, I found a song, an old Masonic song, and it was sung to the tune of America.  And it was about Jehovah, Jove, Creator of All, Jehovah, Jove, is exactly what it said.


Alan: The same, the same By George, that’s how it ends.


Jackie: Jehovah, Jove, our Lord. 


Alan: Sure, this is an amazing dual reality.  We’re given one reality, while the other ones that run this show, laugh up their sleeves when they live in the other reality.  And that’s just the way it is.  We are perfectly dumbed down, cattle, basically, for their purposes.  We serve their purpose.  And now, with the UN Charter, and the whole globalistic push, they’ve simply put it into writing, that we are, our duty is to serve the state, the world state.  That’s what they’re talking about. 


Jackie: You know, I made a little note here when you were talking about marriage.  How they pushed marriage for their own.  Well, I don’t know how it is in other states, but I have, right from the law books, here, in Pennsylvania, that in marriage there are three parties.  The husband, the wife, and the state. 


Alan: And the state.


Jackie: Of necessity. 


Alan: That’s why you have a license.


Jackie: Alan, when I saw that, I thought, oh, my God.  And then you think about it.  The State can either yes or no, whether you can even get a marriage license, okay?  And then, it’s up to the State, the judges, the courts, to either okay or deny a divorce.  And then they get in the middle of all the, you know, little details of who gets what, and who and etc.  And it’s all decided by the State. 


Alan: That’s right.  So, yeah, they run the whole show.  And we really don’t have the freedoms we thought we had.  We have freedom within their system to follow the rules within their system.  But, if you try to walk to the edge of that system, suddenly you’ll find that it’s a different world altogether.  Because people will appear from odd places, and put you right back into that system or else.  So, yeah, we are economic units who supply the energy, just like the batteries in the Matrix, for the elitists’ purposes.  That’s our function.  And under the UN Charter, we are economic units, and our duty, as I say, is to serve the World State.  Now even a citizen, the term citizen, legally means, you’re born into a system with pre-existing duties.  How can you be free if you’re born into a system where there are pre-existing duties, you see.  That’s not freedom at all.  You’re born, in other words, with a purpose, to serve them.


Jackie: You know, when you mentioned the word unit.  I had a friend from when I lived in Collinville, Illinois.  He was in a high position, a management position in an insurance company.  And I was talking to him about some of this stuff, a long time ago, when I very first started.  And he smiled at me, and he said, you know what they call the insurance agents, and I said, no, and they were something like, not economic units, but it was something unit.  That they were actually referred to as units.  He said, you’re not going to like this, but he got it, Alan.  Folks, we’re going to take a break here.


(Commercial Break)


Jackie: We’re back.  I made a couple of notes here, Alan, thoughts that I had when you were talking about these economic units.  And I wrote, you know, as you were talking, capital, The Herd, and Chattel.  That is the root of that world.  And then the chattel in those days were their cattle.  And they were actually, their value or their wealth was determined by how many head of cattle they had.


Alan: That’s right.


Jackie: And that was their capital.


Alan: Yes, and that’s why, when Margaret Thatcher was in, she brought back what they called the head tax.


Jackie: Head, oh, we have head tax here. 


Alan: They just count the heads.  And if you go back to Plato, Plato had the order, the ruling elites with the dominant minority running the show called The Guardians.  They were the perpetual guardians of their system.  That’s what they meant by that.  Then they’d have the helpers of the Guardians.


Jackie: Say that again.


Alan: Plato, 2300 years ago, wrote The Republic.  And that was his vision of a future World State, run by the elite, for the elite, in perpetuity.  And it had always been going, actually before he was born, and he got it all from Egypt, where he studied.  He gave the system out there.  He said that there’s a guardian class.  The Guardians, again, are split up into sections.  They have the absolute top or creme-de-le-creme of the Guardian class.


Jackie: Who, okay, as an example, in today’s world.


Alan: But getting back to it, you have to understand what he said first, before you can get back to today.


Jackie: Okay, I just wanted, and then, you’ll give us an example.


Alan: Yeah, because he said that at the top, and this is a Masonic coding, by the way, the Lazy Boy, LaZy Boy, la in French, of course, the male-female hermaphrodite, that’s what they mean by that, Z Boy, and the Z is connected, as above so below.  And the Y, again, is the male, primarily male form, or mentality, the Y chromosome.  So boy, the Lazy Boy doesn’t do any work.  So at the top, the ones who run the show do no work.  And so, below them, they have what they call the Fat Man.  The Fat Man goes round all the higher lodges and picks up all the data on everyone.  That’s his job.  That’s why you had Fat Man and Little Boy for the Atomic Bombs they dropped on Japan.  It was all Masonic coding.  When they dropped them on the 33rd degree parallel. 


Jackie: What was Little Boy?


Alan: Yeah, 33rd degree parallel, Hiroshima.  33 degrees.


Jackie: Yeah, but what was Little Boy?  That wasn’t Lazy Boy, was it?


Alan: It was a form of it, yeah. 


Jackie: Okay, Fat Boy and Little Boy.


Alan: And Little Boy.  Fat Man and Little Boy. 


Jackie: Fat Man and Little Boy.


Alan: And of course, in the Batman, you have Batman and Robin, who’s a little boy.  Because in the ancient philosophers, who helped set this system up, always had their little boy.  Anyway, the top Guardian class, and then the dominant minority, that would be the ones who were shown to the public as being in charge of affairs, the actual workers on a higher level, there you could definitely point to the guys like Kissinger, who has always been involved behind the scenes in politics, and obviously takes his orders from a higher source, not presidents.


Jackie: Yeah.  Would Rockefellers and them be?


Alan: Rockefeller too, no doubt about it.  They said in the 1700s that they would dominate the world by what they called philanthropy, philanthropic methods.  Meaning, if they could give the big money to create charitable organizations with what would appear to have good social values, then they would eventually end up making the social values and the policies, which they have done.  All policies now have their champions, and the NGOs are all funded by the big philanthropic organizations.  And the Rockefeller foundation is now in charge also of a couple of other ones.  Like the Morgan Trust was one of them they took over.  Like the Morgan Bank.  And so they have these charitable trusts, where they can choose which NGOs they will finance.


Jackie: And they are tax free.


Alan: And they also, every university, in the States, the US and in Canada, gets funding from these philanthropic organizations.  And Rockefeller funds every university in Canada.  But along with the funding comes little requests, not to talk about certain subjects, you see.


Jackie: We have a call.  Shall we take it?


Alan: Yeah.


Jackie: Hi, you’re on the air.


Caller: Hi, yes.  Hello.  I just have a question for Alan, and then I’ll hang up, so I can hear him.  I want to know the play of, the position of, I’m sure he may have heard of it, of the place called the Bank for International Settlements.  There was a woman on I think Joyce Riley and Dave von Kleist show and gave a website, I think it’s  And she said that was.


Jackie: That was Joan Veon.


Caller: Right, right.  And she said that every month, all these big banks, the banks that run the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, they all, they have chairmen, the chairman’s appointed by directors of the board, that Greenspan is the chairman and the other bank is the Bank of England, they all have to report once they actually go there physically.  I mean, it could be done on the phone or the internet, but they go there physically, once a month, to the Bank of International Settlements.


Jackie: What is your question, Storm?


Caller: And also, if the Bank of International Settlements has a website, or something, if he could, you know, find out.


Jackie: Okay.  What is your question, Storm?


Caller: Well, what I want to know is, that bank, is that the top bank that runs these other banks. And this woman, she was talking about Sith and Lucifer and all that.  Is that really true about this Lucifer stuff?  Because, as far as I know, what Cooper....


Jackie: Okay, just state your question, honey.


Caller: Oh, okay.  Well, I want to know if he could elaborate on that, on the Bank of International Settlements, who runs it.  Because I know, you know, the Federal Reserve is run by Rockefeller, and.


Jackie: Okay, okay.  Thank you.  Okay, thanks Storm.


Caller: Okay, bye.


Jackie: Sorry about that, Alan.


Alan: Yeah.  It’s just a sidetrack, that. 


Jackie: Yeah, it was a sidetrack, wasn’t it?


Alan: Yeah.  To get us off in a whole bunch stuff of stuff they can find on the Internet themselves.  The International Monetary Fund is the big boy.  The rest of it is just the compartments of the legal system.


Jackie: IMF is the big bank, the big one.  And isn’t it interesting that the Secretary of the Treasury of the US is the governor of the International Monetary Fund. 


Alan: Yeah, well.  Everything is connected.


Jackie: I know, Alan.  But, you know what, you know that.  But when it can be connected for others.


Alan: Well, if they’ve been listening to Joyce and Dave, I’m sure they know it all.  And Joan Veon just happens to get into all these meetings.  Maurice Strong, who was the second in command at the UN, and in charge of the World Bank, put there by Rockefeller, knows her by first name. 


Jackie: According to her?


Alan: Yeah.  Now, you can’t get near that guy with all his bodyguards, you know, unless you’re really in there.  And I understand her job is international investments. 


Jackie: Yeah, it’s an international women’s group, is what it’s called. 


Alan: Yeah, of investment companies.  And what they do is they go there, and they find out where the US is going to plunk more money, which country, and then they tell all their members, you’re guaranteed this is going to be a winner, because the US is financing it.  This is a con game.  It’s a con game.  So, their job is to go round and make sure you’re terrified by what’s coming.  They have no answers for you, but they make their living on it.  A very good living, by the way.  In fact, Veon couldn’t survive in the lifestyle she must live, without the World Bank and the UN.  International investments.  That’s all I have to say on that.


Jackie: Okay, thank you, Alan. 


Alan: So, if we get back to Plato and the Republic.


Jackie: Okay, yes, and you were explaining, or giving us some examples of the dominant minority.  And that would include the Rothschilds also. 


Alan: Yeah.  Those that are visible to the public in high social managerial positions.


Jackie: Okay.  And today, who would be the Fat Man?


Alan: The Fat Man is a collector who goes round.  They also call him the Grey Man.  And the Grey Man is the person who goes between the ones who are never seen by the public and brings the policies to the presidents, the advisors to presidents.  So the Grey Men take that position as well, on a higher level. 


Jackie: They’re the advisors.


Alan: On lower levels, on high Masonic organizations, the Fat Man, as they call him, goes round and gets all the info. 


Jackie: We have another call here.  Hello.


Caller: No, very quickly.  I wanted him to elaborate on Benjamin Creme and this Lord Maitreya business.  Who is the Maitreya?  Is he real?  Or is this something fake?  A representation, or what?  If he could just elaborate on that.  He was on the George Noory Show and...


Jackie: Well....


Caller: I know.  But what’s funny is, when they give themselves away.  George Noory played Van Halen’s Running with the Devil, before he put him on.  And I said, what the hell is this?


Jackie: Okay.  Thanks, Storm.


Caller: Okay.


Alan: These are just distractions we’re getting here. 


Jackie: Yeah, do you want to....


Alan: Benjamin Creme’s name tells you all you have to know if you understand Freemasonry. 


Jackie: Well, tell us.


Alan: Ben is son of, in Hebrew.


Jackie: Son of.


Alan: And jamin is from James, I am.  If you take the y and put the I there from the Latin to the Aramaic.  I am the son of crem.  Crem is fire.  I am the son of fire.  It’s Masonic.  That’s all you have to know.


Jackie: Son of fire.  Well, what does that connote?


Alan: It tells you that it’s another Masonic sideshow. 


Jackie: Oh, okay.  The Maitreya, is that the same thing?


Alan: Everyone who has seen the light, or broken through into the real world, is called, traditionally, everyone, a Maitreya.  So, you can call yourself one, if you want.


Jackie: Oh, okay.  Thanks.  (Laughter)


Alan: Yeah.  That’s Hindu philosophy.  And anyone who has broken through is a Maitreya. 


Jackie: Okay.  I’d like to go back.  This is for our listeners.  Of course, this whole conversation is for our listeners.  But when we were talking about the economic units, the herd, the cattle.


Alan: And Plato, by the way, I should say this, when we’re on that word, unit.  He said that the Guardian class, the helpers, the military group that would interbreed with male and female warriors, in the final days of this system, which we have today, and all the ones beneath that were raw material.  All the common people were raw material, and they were called not people, but its.  And Unit is the French, Un is one.  That’s what it means in French.  The UN means one.  So you have one it.  So, you are a one it, a unit.  That’s from Plato, right up to today.  Hasn’t changed.  It’s all coding.


Jackie: I wanted any of our newer listeners, in case that you have any doubts about this portion of our conversation, there is an article by Cindy Weatherly, Are Your Children Human Capital? and underneath that article is an executive order that was signed by Bill Clinton, and it basically was a commission that was to study capital, and it includes in the executive order, that they will study all kinds of capital and including human capital.  And then they were supposed to report, and part of the report was on the depreciation of capital.  Alan, how do you depreciate human capital?


Alan: If you depreciate them then you simply either breed more, so their value is less, really.  Many hands make light work, as they say in China.  Or you can go the other way, and you can start the culling of them.


Jackie: That’s what I was thinking.  The depreciation of capital.


Alan: Of course the men in the West are becoming sterile with every yearly UN report on male sperm count.  Last year, the sperm count was down 75% in the average Western male, aged 25, compared to 1950 levels.  So, he’s almost sterile.  He’s only got 25% of live sperm, as opposed to his father or grandfather.


Jackie: You know where I was with that?  When people are no longer "on the tax rolls" they’re considered useless eaters. 


Alan: That’s right.


Jackie: And I was thinking about that as the “depreciation of human capital.”  That when you become a useless eater, you need to be sent elsewhere.  But yet on the other hand, what you’re saying is the depreciation of human capital could be the reduction of the numbers.


Alan: Absolutely.


Jackie: Oh, Alan.  I got.  I hadn’t thought about it that way.  Wow.


Alan: Yeah.  And I should tell them too, maybe, about the three books I’ve got.


Jackie: I think you should.


Alan: Because I go through Freemasonry from ancient times, long before the guilds, all the nonsense they tell you, oh, they began in the Middle Ages with the guilds.  No, they were on the go thousands of years ago, much higher orders of course.  The guys in the Blue Lodge are at the bottom of the heap.  They don’t know there’s anything above them.  I go through the history.  The monetary history as well.  The history of commerce from thousands of years ago.  The introduction of money.  How the money boys took over the ancient countries one by one, by forming standing armies, which they then sent off to invade other countries.  And, so I show you that nothing has changed.  And today, the US and Canada and Britain, are simply finishing off the task of bringing the Muslim countries, who don’t allow usury, they’re bringing them into this system called democracy, with a centralized bank, a debt system, and a bunch front people we call politicians, who were chosen by the elite above them.  [See ordering information on transcript.]  And I sent a stack out just this morning.  So, they’ll be getting them soon.  So, I’ll have to get another bunch printed up, if I can.


Jackie: Okay, good.  So, people who have ordered whatever books they’ve ordered, they’re in the mail.


Alan: They’re on their way.


Jackie: That’s great.  You, Alan, you were mentioning in your books, you know, about the democracy.  And I’ve been, oh, my goodness.  I’ve been in JINSA’s website.  That’s the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs.  And they had a press release welcoming John Bolton as the, they call it now, the permanent, this is the way they said it, anyway, the permanent representative of the US to the United Nations.  And I recall, and the reason I recall it, is because I bolded it, when I pasted it in, that he was bringing the understanding that democracy is a higher form of government.  Now, what does that mean, Alan?


Alan: Well, it does mean, it’s more governed from on high, meaning the people who really run the show anyway. 


Jackie: Democracy.


Alan: I mean, people in Britain have known for centuries that democracy is simply the facade for the public.  And they call it the establishment, are the ones who really rule the country.  And no one bucks the establishment.  And these are the ones, the old aristocracies, that have always run the country.  Politics and democracy are simply a pantomime for the public, to believe in and get involved in.  But it’s a pantomime none the less. 


Jackie: Well, basically, they say that democracy is mob rule.


Alan: But it’s not.


Jackie: Yeah, exactly.  It’s elite rule, isn’t it?


Alan: It’s elite rule, and they simply use the majority.  They use the majority to bring in new forms of whatever.  They’ll say, “well, what’s your problem.  Everyone else has accepted this.” 


Jackie: That’s right.


Alan: That’s the idea.


Jackie: They get the majority to go along with them.


Alan: Because they know that 87% of the public in all ages, in all countries, will always go along with any agenda they’re told to go along with.


Jackie: 87%.


Alan: And therefore, for the ones who hold out, they’ll say, “well, what’s wrong with you.  Everyone else have accepted their ID card, you know.”  That’s how it works.  That’s why they love the term, democracy.  But it’s certainly not mob rule, because the mob truly have no real say in anything.


Jackie: Well, no they don’t.  But they think they do.  That’s the whole point.


Alan: That’s right.


Jackie: That’s what’s so slick about this plan, Alan.  It appears that the people, it’s the people who want this, and really, the people, the majority of the people, have been so mind controlled, that they want whatever they’re told they want.  That’s it.  They say whatever they’re told to think. 


Alan: Exactly.


Jackie: And they say, this is what I think. 


Alan: Well, Brzezinski said in the ’70s in one of his books.  And he should know, since his speciality was mind control on a mass scale, with psychotronic warfare.  He said, shortly the public will be unable to come to a conclusion by themselves.  They’ll simply come to the conclusion they’re given by the media on the previous night’s news.  And that will be their topics of conversation at work the next day.  So, they understand all of this, you know.  And strangely enough, even Madame Blavatsky knew this was coming.  Because she announced a way of manipulating the minds of everyone was available in the 1800s.  And she was afraid this would be used for all the wrong purposes by a few of the elite. 


Jackie: Well, what do you mean she was afraid that it would be misused?


Alan: Well, Blavatsky herself was a stooge.  You see, all people who come out as a front are often, not that she was well meaning, but many of them are well meaning stooges, who have been told part of the plan, but not the whole thing.  And they’ve been told there would be a utopia, etc.  But she did know that there was talk in her day of using this technology on the minds of the public.  Alexander Graham Bell’s father was using forms of mind impulse, or vibrational impulse to get into the heads of the deaf people by bursting, very controlled bursts of sound waves, which would hit the skulls of people, and they could maybe hear the messages.  You’d hear it inside your head.  That technology from the 1800s is way, way so advanced now today.


Jackie: Oh, my God. 


Alan: And the CIA admit they were using this stuff, back as early as the 1950s.


Jackie: Okay, I want to get back to Blavatsky.  Are you saying that she saw this, she saw the potential and thought it could be good?


Alan: She saw it, but she also had, I guess, a little bit of warning that maybe the plan that she’d been told about wasn’t the whole plan, and that there was more to all of this.  She had to have, because the doors were opened up for her wherever she went, but she didn’t know the whole plan, I’m sure.  She was more of an actress than anything else, you know, who was playing a role.


Jackie: We’ll take a call.  You’re on the air.


Caller: Yeah, I was going to say, if anybody is interested, you can get H.P. Blavatsky’s book from  And also, there’s another author too.  Have you ever head of, well, I’m sure you’ve heard of him, Manley P. Hall, The Theosophical Research Society.  But Lucifer Magazine, it’s surprising.  I didn’t think that Kessinger still published those old magazines.


Jackie: Oh, My God.  You know, I’ve always wanted to see those.


Caller: Oh, they do.  That’s what I don’t understand, it’s so crazy about this.  If Alan is listening to me, he may answer.  I don’t understand.  Why do they have all the stuff so open?


Jackie: It isn’t open.


Caller: You know what, I don’t care.


Jackie: Kessingers is not open.  Thanks, Storm.


Caller: Oh, yes it is.  Anybody can get it.  You don’t have to be a Mason or belong to secret lodges or anything to order it.


Alan:  The reason it’s given to the public is that they want a lot of public support.  A lot of people read this stuff, and it’s formulated in a way that there’s a lot of things you can agree about, what they’re saying. 


Jackie: There are.  Yes, Alan. 


Alan: You just simply don’t, you miss the fact though that there’s little twists in it.  And before you know it, they’ve got you where they want you.  Your mind has followed their story, into their conclusion.  And that’s how simple it works.


Jackie: And even if it isn’t their plan, that they’re talking about it, like it’s benevolent, and it could be, but it isn’t.


Alan: It’s not, no.  They will never ever give the...


Jackie: Oh, thank you, oh man.  You have just, you know what, that, that’s the razor’s edge, Alan.


Alan: It is.  And also, don’t forget....


Jackie: Wait a minute.  We’re out of time.  Well, I’m not going to say that.  We’re out of our hour.  Will you come back tomorrow night?


Alan: Sure, I will.


Jackie: I want to pick this up right here.  Okay, oh, thanks.  Folks, we’ll be back with you tomorrow night with Alan Watt, and thanks for being here.  I’m glad you are.  And God Bless you folks